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Maggie Gebhardt, PT, DPT, OCS,

If the outside of your hip hurts to touch or it is painful to
lay on, then you may have trochanteric bursitis. Trochanteric bursitis is
inflammation of the bursa (fluid-filled ouch) that lies between the IT band and
a boney outcropping on your femur. Sometimes you may even see swelling or a
“puffiness” on the outside of your hip from the inflammation. If the IT band is
too tight, it can rub on the bursa ...

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Maggie Gebhardt, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT

The Iliotibial Band, IT for short, can be the cause of a lot of knee pain in runners. In particular pain on the outside of one’s knee. There is a lot of information out there on how to manage this type of pain with lots of gizmos and gadgets for one to purchase. However, what most people do not realize that this issue often stems from poor hip mechanics causing overuse if the IT Band. ...

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By Maggie Gebhardt, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT

The hip joint can be a source of pain for many people and the reason why can often be confusing. The most common thing we think of when it comes to hip pain is arthritis. However, there are many different causes of hip pain not related to arthritis at all. These injuries can happen to the everyday person who likes to participate in recreational sports: the weekend runner, the high school ballet dancer, the ...

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Spine Injury in Golfers

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Spine Injury in Golfers
The golf swing is a highly complex and a very dynamic and involved movement. The reason for the complexity is because it involves the entire body and all of its joints. The motion requires a balance of mobility and stability, as well as adequate motor control to be able to generate the right amount of power to meet the physical demand that is placed on the body. The spine alone is made up ...

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The Wide Wide World of Golf

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Golf is among the most prevalent of international sports, in part because it appeals to people of all ages and physical conditions. At the same time, it is also one of the most biomechanically strenuous of sports; the golf swing is highly complex and involves every joint in the body. As any golfer at any level of ability will attest, what would otherwise seem a very straightforward concept of hitting a stationary ball with a large club head is actually ...

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